Film, glazba, književnost i snovi s Jonathanom Rosenbaumom
18. 05. 2022
U sklopu međunarodnog programa Mind the image/Pazi na sliku najavljujemo i pozivamo sve zainteresirane da prisustvuju programu Film, music, literature, and dreams with Jonathan Rosenbaum, programu filmske analize, čitanja i pisanja filmske kritike pod vodstvom istaknutog filmskog kritičara Jonathana Rosenbauma.
Diskusije će se održavati u večernjim satima od 19h u prostoru Kino kluba (Dom mladih, Ulica slobode 28) u periodu od 17. – 22. lipnja i bit će otvorene za javnost, dok će nekolicina zainteresiranih imati mogućnost pisati o dogovorenim filmovima pod Jonathanovim mentorstvom. Za one koji se žele okušati u pisanju filmskih kritika, prijave su otvorene do 13. lipnja putem online obrasca. Prethodno iskustvo je poželjno, ali ne i neophodno. Program će se održavati na engleskom jeziku.
Jonathan Rosenbaum radio je kao glavni kritičar Chicago Readera od 1987. do 2008. Autor je brojnih knjiga o filmu uključujući Film: The Front Line (1983), Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism (1995), Moving Places: A Life at the Movies (1980; reprint 1995), Movies as Politics (1997) i Essential Cinema (2004), a njegova najpopularnija knjiga je Movie Wars: How Hollywood and the Media Limit What Movies We Can See (2002), pa sve do recentnih CINEMATIC ENCOUNTERS: INTERVIEWS AND DIALOGUES (2018) and CINEMATIC ENCOUNTERS 2: PORTRAITS AND POLEMICS (2019). U svojoj izrazito plodnoj karijeri pisao je za brojne časopise, između ostalih za Cahiers du cinéma, The Village Voice, Film Comment i Sight & Sound. Predavao je na kalifornijskom Univerzitetu u San Diegu na poziv Mannya Farbera. Kao vanjski predavač predavao je film na Sveučilištu u Virdžiniji u Richmondu (2010-2012), te držao kolegije Svjetska kinematografija i Američki nezavisni i alternativni film na film.factory programu u Sarajevu od 2013 – 2015. Radio je kao konzultant na filmovima Orsona Wellesa Dodir zla (Touch of Evil) i Druga strana vjetra (The Other Side of the Wind). Redovno objavljuje tekstove na svom web site-u:
U 2020. držao je seriju predavanja o Orsonu Wellesu u filmskom centru Gene Siskel u Chicagu, a 2021. o Agnes Vardi. Angažiran je kao audiokomentator za Criterion (Gza filmove Građanin Kane i Veličanstveni Ambersoni s Jamesom Naremoreom, LIKE AND NOTHING MORE s Mehrnazom Saeed-Vafom) te je producirao eseje (tiskane ili audiovizualni) za Trafic, Another Gaze, Metrograph, MUBI, Criterion, Arrow Films, Cinema Scope, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine, Artforum i Cineaste. Recentni intervju s Jonathanom možete pročitati na idućoj poveznici.
Film, music, literature, and dreams with Jonathan Rosenbaum
As part of the international program Mind the image/Pazi na sliku, we announce and invite all interested to attend the Film, Music, Literature, and Dreams with Jonathan Rosenbaum, a program of film analysis, reading and writing film criticism led by prominent film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum.
Discussions will be held in the evening from 7PM at Kino klub Split (Dom mladih, Ulica slobode 28) from 17 to 22 June and will be open to the public, while several interested will have the opportunity to write about the agreed films under Jonathan’s mentorship. For those who want to learn more about how to write film reviews, applications are open until June 13 via the online form. Previous experience is desirable, but not necessary. The program will be held in English.
Jonathan Rosenbaum worked as the main critic of the Chicago Reader from 1987 to 2008. He is the author of numerous books on film including Film: The Front Line (1983), Placing Movies: The Practice of Film Criticism (1995), Moving Places: A Life at the Movies (1980; reprint 1995), Movies as Politics (1997) and Essential Cinema (2004), and his most popular book is Movie Wars: How Hollywood and the Media Limit What Movies We Can See (2002). In his extremely prolific career, he wrote for numerous magazines, including Cahiers du cinéma, The Village Voice, Film Comment and Sight & Sound. He taught at the University of San Diego (California) at the invitation of Manny Farber. As an external associate, he taught film at the University of Virginia in Richmond (2010-2012), and taught World Cinematography and American Independent and Alternative Film at the film.factory program in Sarajevo from 2013 to 2015. He worked as a consultant on Orson Welles films Touch of Evil and The Other Side of the Wind. He regularly publishes texts on his web site: In the previous year, he gave a series of lectures on Orson Welles at the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago. In the recent years apart from his lesions in Kino klub Split, Jonathan published books CINEMATIC ENCOUNTERS: INTERVIEWS AND DIALOGUES (University of Illinois Press, 2018) and CINEMATIC ENCOUNTERS 2: PORTRAITS AND POLEMICS (op. cit., 2019). He did an online lecture series on Agnes Varda at the Gene Siskel Film Center in Chicago in 2021., audiocommentaries for Criterion DVDs and Blu-Rays (CITIZEN KANE and THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS with James Naremore, LIKE AND NOTHING MORE with Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa), and essays (printed or audiovisual) for Trafic, Another Gaze, Metrograph, MUBI, Criterion, Arrow Films, Cinema Scope, Caiman Cuadernos de Cine, Artforum, and Cineaste.
You can read a recent interview with Jonathan at the following link.
Rad Kino kluba Split podržavaju Hrvatski audiovizualni centar, Zaklada Kultura nova, Društvo hrvatskih filmskih redatelja, Nacionalna zaklada za razvoj civilnog društva, Ministarstvo kulture i medija i Grad Split.