U petak 10.04. u 20:30 u projekcijskoj sali Kino kluba Split možete prisustvovati drugoj iz kratkog dvotjednog ciklusa projekcija češke dokumentarističke liričarke Jane Sevcikove (1953), separirane diplomantkinje FAMU filmske škole u Pragu. Radi se o filmovima Piemule (1983) i Staroverci (2001).
Dokumentaristkinja s hibernacijskom odgodom projekata zasnovanih na precizno iziritiranim i kompleksnim naturalnim iskustvima poizišlim iz projektno specifične rekonstrukcije etnopsihoanalitičkih rituala i svakodnevnih obrazaca Jana Sevciková (1984) pohađala je FAMU filmsku školu u Pragu, a IMDB joj u filmografiji pipisuje sedam dugometražnih režija, šest produkcija, pet scenarija i dva nastupa u izoliranim TV emisijama, od čega je jedna dramaturški osovljena o njene osobne autorske lamentacije, a druga je smontirana od studijske analize osobnih kinematografskih svjetonazora u društvu predominantnog Wernera Herzoga. U sklopu kratkog dvotjednog ciklusa filmova u organizaciji Kino kluba Split prikazujemo tri njezina klasična projekta. Radi se o filmovima Jakub (1992), dokumentarističkoj pedanteriji izvedenoj na temelju inteligentne montaže elemenata izvođenja religijskih praksi Rusina u rumunjskim gorama, potom Piemule (1984), apsolventskoj sirovoj naturalnoj ekspresiji/specifičnoj studiji karaktera osovljenoj na svakodnevne rituale prisutne u životu/životima manjinske skupine na teritoriji nekadašnje “vlaške države” u periodu razgradnje totalitarne vladavine remunjskih ultra-nacionalističkih skupina ustanovljene na ideološkom zadavanju autoriteta medicinskim kretenima iz obitelji Ceausecu, te vezanju za logistički socijalni kodeks ostalih diktatura tzv. istočnog bloka, te Staroverci (2001), apokaliptičnoj monokromatski kodiranoj i simbolički kondenziranoj impresiji nedokučivo arhaičnih vjerskih obreda na vodi u zoni delte Dunava. Ostali podatci o filmovima preneseni su, zbog dodatne autorizacije, sa službenog weba Jane Sevcikove.
Year: 1983
Duration: 43 min
Motive: Jana Ševčíková
Screenplay: Jana Ševčíková
Director: Jana Ševčíková
Director of photography: Miroslav Čvorsjuk, Martin Vadas, Miroslav Halada
Editor: Zdenek Patočka
Sound: Michal Hýbek
Production: Jana Ševčíková
Piemule is about an ethnic group of Czechs which settled over a hundred and fifty years ago in the hills not far from Timisoara. The acenstor’s of today’s inhabitants, craftsmen and farmers, came to the Romanian highlands around the year 1822 with their families for work and livehood. The filmming began in 1980 and proceeded for several years under difficult conditions. Jana Sevcikova captured the way of life of one emote village though the changing seasons and religious ceremonies or social and work rituals (Christmas, carnivals, Easter,wedings, harvest and the ploughing of the land).She presents individual people their customs, behavior and opinions. Employing a complex structure of compositions, the film depicts the social aspects of this small enclave foreign to Romania, it’s history as well as the moral depth of the people. Isolated from a foreign world this community has kept it’s language, culture and also a feeling for national identity.
Old Believers
Year: 2001
Duration: 46 min
Motive: Jana Ševčíková
Screenplay: Jana Ševčíková
Director: Jana Ševčíková
Director of photography: Jaromír Kačer
Editor: Lucie Haladová
Dramaturgy: Josef Valušiak
Sound: Jaroslav Jehlička, Petr Bohatý, Marek Musil, Michal Janoušek, Jiří Mergl, Pavel Sádek
Music: Alan Vitouš, Pavel Markelov
Production: Jana Ševčíková
Film was produced with support of The Czech Republic State Fund for Support and Development of Czech Cinematography.
A documentary which was filmed over a period of five years describing the spiritual roots of the inhabitants of a forsaken Romanian village in the Danubian basin. As descendants of Russian emigrants of a minority faith who settled in the area during the 17th century, they were able to preserve not only their original beliefs but also their language. Despite various changes in the villagers’ lives, time seems to have frozen the “natural” inflections of birth, marriage and death. The protagonists are bound by their strict religious faith, both imprisoned and exalted by the cyclical rhythm of religious festivals and daily rituals. These are, at the same time, a natural part of life in the village and give an inner sense to the most ordinary of tasks. Jaromír Kačer’s black-and-white camera creates a smooth composition highlighting the primeval spiritual gestures which transform the inhabitants’ daily grind into a symbolic deliberation on the transience of time.
Projekcije petkom u Kino klubu Split edukativnog su karaktera, namijenjene članovima i ostalim zainteresiranima, ulaz je besplatan, svi su dobrodošli.
Za Kino klub Split:
Darko Duilo