Otvoren poziv za prijave filmova / Open Call for Film Submissions
Dragi prijatelji!
U ovom trenutku dok pripremamo raspored za nadolazeću sezonu veselimo se nastavku diskurzivnog programa “U kvadrat” koji će biti posvećen prezentaciji audiovizualnih djela filmaša vezanih uz kinoklubove i nezavisne produkcije, kako iz naše regije, tako i iz svijeta, kako iz povijesti, tako i suvremenih autora i autorica. Na ovaj način imate priliku prijaviti vaše filmove i podijeliti vašu sinematsku viziju s nama.
Možete se prijaviti putem on-line obrasca do 29. siječnja 2022.
Hvala svima koji su sudjelovali na podršci!
Veselimo se budućoj suradnji!
Dear friends!
While we are eagerly preparing our schedule, we are happy to confirm that one part of our future program will be devoted to presentations of audiovisual works and films from filmmakers and artists in our region and worldwide, from history and contemporary filmmakers. As part of this presentations we decided to make again Open call for film submissions and on this way give opportunity to filmmakers around the world to submit films and share cinematic vision with us.
What we are mainly looking for is – independent, radical, brave, interesting, alternative, experimental cinema, a strong voice of filmmakers that dare to be different. Although, you can send us whatever you want!
You can apply through this form until January 29th 2022.
Schedule of the program will be announced weekly or monthly on our Facebook page.
For more additional information you can also contact us via e-mail: press@kinoklubsplit.hr
We thank you for your cooperation and looking forward to work with you!
Cine club Split and its work are supported by the Croatian Audiovisual Center, the City of Split and the Kultura Nova foundation.