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Peter Brosens & Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh – “State of Dogs” (Psetara; 1998)



U petak 29.11. u 20:30  u projekcijskoj dvorani Kino kluba Split možete pogledati treći, zaključni film iz ovomjesečnog trosegmentnog ciklusa kinematografskih projekata objedinjenih nazivom  “MONGOLIAN CINEMATIC PERSPECTIVES”. Radi se o filmu Petera Brosensa & Dorjkhandyna Turmunkha “State of Dogs” (Psetara; 1998), središnjem segmentu tzv. “mongolske trilogije” koju je belgijski sineast i socijalni aktivist Bronsens u formi pseudodokumentarne socijalne crne farse s nadrealističkom dramaturškom polaznom premisom izvedenom iz koncepta postperceptivnog psećeg memoriranja prostora (antropo-paradoks) realizirao uz pomoć mongolskog televizijskog producenta Turmunkha na širem teeitoriju Ulan Batora, siromašnog središta naturalne regiloznosti utemeljene na reinkarnacijskim vjerovanjima za koju se vezuju socijalni déjà vu procesi i opetuje uvjetno uža kulturna matrica sukladna artikulacijama iz domene konvencionalne globalne umjetničke avangarde. Film “State od Dogs” osvojio je, među ostalima, nagradu Cine ‘Eco-Seia international Film & Video Festivala 1998 (‘Campanula de Oro’), ‘Grande Prémio de Ambiente’ nagradu na Gavà International Environmental Film Festivalu 1999., potom `Best Feature Film` nagradu na Maremma International Documentary Film Festivalu u Firenzi 1998, te Grand Prix za skript na Mediawave festivalu 1999., kao i nagradu na Molodist International Film Festivalu 1999. `Best Documentary Film and Don Quixote Award` na Barcelona European Lianas festivalu 1998. U “Short(s) Petting” predprogramu s početkom u 19:15 (powered by “AGITATE:21C” web-oriented group) možete pogledati odabir recentnih eksperimentalnih filmova objedinjenih pod zajedničkim nazivom “AGITATE NOW!!!”. Radove povezane subliminalnim programatskim “kodom” progresivne eksperimentalne kinematografije ovom prilikom realizirali su Linda Dement, Perry Bard, David King, Dee Hood, Duo Strangloscope, Sylvia Toy St. Louis, Wheeler Winston Dixon, Gwendolyn Audrey Foster,Michel Woods ft. Aldo Tambellini, Ian Gibbins, Tracey M Benson & Josiah Jordan, te Brian Ratigan. Kratki prikaz filma “State of Dogs” koji slijedi u produžetku ovog teksta (na engleskom jeziku) u cijelosti preuzimamo s web portala magazina “Variety” ( Autor je australski filmski edukator i kritičar David Stratton, dugogodišnji direktor filmskog festivala u Sidneyu (1966-1983), te dvostruki predsjedavajući “strukovni sapun” FIPRESCI žirija na notornom filmskom festivalu/filmskom sajmištu u Cannesu.


State of Dogs

(Mongolian dialogue)

This at times astonishing mixture of travelogue and mysticism is the joint achievement of the Belgian Peter Brosens and the Mongolian Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh. Structured around the life of a dog called Baasar, “State of Dogs” is beautiful, haunting and distressing. Commercial prospects aren’t out of the question, but television seems a better home for this decidedly quirky production, which is already slotted into several festivals, both large and small, in the coming months. It won the Grand Prix at the Nyon documentary fest in April. The population of Ulan Bator, the dusty, ugly capital of Mongolia, is 800,000 ; 120,000 stray dogs roam the city, and so it’s no real surprise that the administration hires a man to kill the unwanted canines. More surprising is the way they’re killed — shot and just left to rot on the street (though occasionally used as fertilizer — a dead dog was buried under every tree that lines the avenue to the city’s airport.) Even more surprising is the fact that Mongolians believe that dogs are reincarnated as human beings. Baasar is a stray dog who meets his fate at the hands of the dog killer; but, once dead, he’s disinclined to return in human form. He remembers the time he lived with nomadic goat-herders on the steppes and how he wound up in the city without a master and attached himself to a young woman. The combination of a Belgian documentary sensibility and a Mongolian interest in fable and legend gives “State of Dogs” a unique vision. The images of the barren landscape and the blighted city, the herds of goats on the vast plains, the changing seasons, the traditional costumes, ceremonies and songs represent a different school of filmmaking from the wonderfully poetic narration and the strange idea of having society seen through the eyes of a dead canine. Dog lovers won’t be thrilled by the scenes in which the strays are hunted down and shot, and other scenes feature cruelty to animals that may also upset some audiences. Despite this, this unusual film’s timeless beauty and the poetry and richness of its ideas make it compulsive viewing.

(David Stratton – Variety Magazine)





Peter Brosens & Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh – “State of Dogs” (1998)


Country of Production
Belgium / The Netherlands / Denmark / Finland / Mongolia

Year of Production

35mm, Digi Beta Pal, Beta SP Pal

91 min

Peter Brosens and Dorjkhandyn Turmunkh

Inti Films in co-production with Balthazar Film, Magic Hour Films, Crea Video, Tobch Toli Productions and ZDF, in association with Arte and YLE

Original Language









(01) Linda Dement – Art Peasants (AU; 2017) 07:00

(02) Perry Bard – No Flak (USA; 2018) 07:22

(03) David King – Expunged From Collective Memory (Australia; 2017) 02:58

(04) Dee Hood – Don’t Believe Everything you Think (USA; 2018) 04:29

(05) Dee Hood – Looking for Level Ground (USA; 2018) 03:51

(06) Duo Strangloscope – Movimento (Brazil; 2019) 03:12

(07) Sylvia Toy St. Louis – And So I Said (USA; 2017) 05:34

(08) Wheeler Winston Dixon – The Apocalyptic Now (USA; 2018) 10:32

(09) Gwendolyn Audrey Foster – Will Be, Will Be (USA; 2019) 02:49

(10) Michel Woods ft. Aldo Tambellini – An Infinite Loop for Resistance (USA; 2017) 05:40

(11) Ian Gibbins – Hexapod (Australia; 2017) 04:22

(12) Tracey M Benson & Josiah Jordan – Waters of the Past (Walking with the Ancients) (Australia/USA; 2017) 11:00

(13) Brian Ratigan – Death Archives No 4 (USA; 2019) 01:00





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