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Cinematography and Directing Workshop “Enigmatic Images with Fred Kelemen”

Review by Ana Opačić

25. 09. 2021

Cine Club Split organized a cinematography and directing workshop “Enigmatic images with Fred Kelemen”, which took place from 16 to 21 August 2021. Unlike the previous edition which was held online, this time nine participants from St. Petersburg, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Split, Moscow, Slavonski Brod, Budapest and Brač took part in the workshop together with their mentor in the premises of Cine Club Split.

Their mentor, Kelemen, whose oeuvre represents a general place in the history of world (and especially European) cinematography, made a selection of films: “The Private Life of a Cat” by Maya Deren and Alexander Hammid, “La Jetée” by Chris Marker or “Rome desolée” by Vincent Dieutre. Those are works by authors who built a mysterious film world and were chosen specifically to discover new experiences and approaches – not only to film but also to a different way of thinking. All nine participants, each with their personality, worked on an experiment during those six days. Kelemen gave his students freedom of expression, without too many restrictions in their creativity. The task was to find a place that inspires them and to observe it. For some participants, the space they filmed evoked certain memories, while others used the space to comment on the modern way of life that brings disappointment. During the process, in the middle of summer, Split was a tourist metropolis that flourished with people. At the same time, the participants were exploring and examining themselves and their environment in an almost meditative manner, thus creating a film diary. Without direct suggestions and with a multitude of questions, Kelemen drove each participant to contemplation.

Aside from the group meetings that were meant for commenting and discussing their works, all participants were given a chance to share their ideas and feelings during individual, almost therapeutic film consultations with their mentor. Here, we bring their experiences.

„During the workshop, there was a beautiful synergy of creative energies and Fred was a patient, knowledgeable mentor. I’ve started working on my first experimental film in my elementary school (which I haven’t visited in 20 years), sparking memories from my childhood experiences. I’ve approached this assignment following my memories and the spaces in the school, linking my body and the camera’s movements intuitively. My only regret is that the workshop lasted for seven days only, and I would love to repeat this experience!“ – Ivana Papić.

Anna Zalevskaya traveled from Moscow and found the workshop to be an exceptional experience:
“The workshop in Split was the best film workshop I participated in – it was such a bright, creative and joyful time! It was like one of those wonderful moments when you feel things are going right. Much of this impression was created by the personal encounter with Fred Kelemen who turned out to be not only a film professor but also a real spiritual guru (I’m sure many students would agree with me). The place itself played a huge role in the magic of this workshop: it was a wonderful feeling to wander through the hot and shining city, through the imperial palace full of hidden corners, walk through the forest of Marjan hill at sunrise, get lost on the wild beaches around it, jump into crystal clear and blue water, go explore, “hunt” a movie, trust a place and see where it can take me or what it can show me – what kind of story can this place reveal through images? Together with the wonderful lessons we had every night at the Cine Club, this incited me to open my eyes in a new way, to believe in my vision and intuition, to follow them without analyzing and being too scared. Another thing that made me so happy were the wonderful and special people and filmmakers I met there during the workshop – I think they all inspired me in different ways. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of them a little bit and I hope to continue working with them in the future. I am grateful to Cine Club, Sunčica and other people who helped make this workshop come true. For me, as a young artist, joining on this amazing journey and meeting other filmmakers and like-minded people from all over the world was a precious gift that I will carry with me in my future film practices!”
Matija Krstičević also saw the workshop as an intense experience that broadened his horizons in his understanding of film: “Fred managed to give each of the participants 100% attention and understanding of their ideas,” he said, hoping that he would participate in similar workshops in the future. During the workshop, Daniel Lončar fell in love with the filming process and experienced it as a unique art. Lectures and exercises left him inspired, motivated and full of new creative ideas.
Zsuzsanna Simits believes Fred’s presence was an inspiration for her to strengthen her focus, and his ability to adapt to each attendee gave her an insight into how all activities in life can be turned into art. “I got the most inspiration for topics that seemed distant and technical to me until then: I became interested in the ‘soul’ of architectural works, and I can already see dance, choreography and the possibility of touch in the use of light.”

Odem Lebovich and Odelia Atlsovitch, who came to Split from Tel Aviv, summed up their impressions: “Through the workshop, we studied and practiced art, discovered new ways to get to know ourselves, nature and life, and express ourselves through cinema and film. We watched and participated in the life of the city, felt the combination of the natural and the urban, watched the round sky above and the long sunsets. Learning with Fred and the love for film and art that brought us all together made us all easier by showing us inner light. “ For Aleksandra Kulagina, the workshop was an opportunity to explore her imagination: to find the source of creativity, but also learn about different aspects of film – the nature of film, lighting and how to behave on a film set. “The way Fred helped me look at things and find solutions and the way he encourages his students and the way he shares his experience are wonderful. In addition, my filming was nicely organized: I had all the necessary equipment, Sunčica helped me a lot with the actors and I had full support. The other amazing thing we discovered at this workshop is the team we all became: the warm, friendly and supportive atmosphere in which the classes were held was precious!”, says Aleksandra, adding: „I would like to come to Split for the next workshop soon!”

Translation from Croatian: Katarina Duplančić

Osvrt na radionicu kinematografije i režije: Enigmatične slike s Fredom Kelemenom

21. 09. 2021

Piše: Ana Opačić

Radionica kinematografije i režije ‘Enigmatične slike s Fredom Kelemenom’ održala se organizaciji Kino kluba Split u periodu od 16. kolovoza do 21. kolovoza. Za razliku od prethodne radionice koja je bila održana u online formatu, ovoga puta je devet polaznika iz St. Petersburga, Tel Aviva, Berlina, Splita, Moskve, Slavonskog broda, Budimpešte i Brača zajedno sa svojim mentorom program kreiralo u prostorijama Kino kluba Split.

Mentor Kelemen čiji opus predstavlja opće mjesto u povijesti svjetske, a posebno europske kinematografije napravio je selekciju filmova s kojima je upoznao polaznike.  Radove poput Private life of a cat Maye Deren i Alexandera Hammida, La Jetee Chrisa Markera ili Rome desolee Vincenta Dieutrea, autorica i autora koji su izgradili tajanstveni filmski svijet, Kelemen je odabrao kako bi polaznicima otvorio novo iskustvo i pristup ne samo filmu već i načinu razmišljanja.  Svih devet polaznika, svatko sa svojom osobnošću, napravili su eksperiment u šest dana. Kelemen je svojim polaznicima dao slobodu u izražavanju, bez prevelikih ograničavanja u njihovom stvaralaštvu.  Zadatak je bio pronaći mjesto koje inspirira i opservirati ga.  Kod nekih polaznika prostor koji su snimali evocirao je sjećanja, a neki su preko njega dali opasku suvremenom načinu života koji donosi razočaranja. U tom procesu, u sredini ljeta dok je Split kao turistička metropola bujala turistima, devet polaznika sami su s unutrašnjim sobom, gotovo meditativno istraživali i ispitivali sebe i okolinu u trenutku ‘danas i ovdje’, te su napravili filmski dnevnik.  Bez direktnih sugestija već s mnoštvom pitanja Kelemen je svakog polaznika naveo na promišljanje.

Osim grupnih susreta na kojima su svi polaznici pokazivali svoje radove i pritom komentirali i diskutirali, svi su dobili priliku podijeliti svoje zamisli, osjećaje i trenutna stanja u kojima se nalaze i kroz individualne gotovo filmsko terapeutske konzultacije s mentorom. U nastavku prenosimo iskustva polaznika.

„Za vrijeme radionice nastala je prekrasna sinergija kreativne energije, Fred je strpljiv mentor s puno znanja.  Počela sam raditi na prvom eksperimentalnom filmu u svojoj bivšoj osnovnoj školi u kojoj nisam bila dvadeset godina i  suočila se s iskustvima kroz koja sam prošla u djetinjstvu. Zadatku sam pristupila slijedeći svoja sjećanja i prostore u školi, povezujući intuitivno pokrete tijela s pokretom kamere. Jedino mi je žao što je radionica trajala samo tjedan dana i voljela bih iskustvo  ponoviti!“ kaže Ivana Papić.

Za Annu Zalevskayu koja je u Split doputovala iz Moskve radionica je bila iznimno iskustvo:
„Radionica u Splitu bila je najbolja filmska radionica u kojoj sam sudjelovala – bilo je to tako svijetlo, kreativno i radosno vrijeme! Jedan od onih divnih trenutaka kada se osjećate kao da stvari idu kako treba. Veliki dio ovog dojma bio je osobni susret s Fredom Kelemenom za kojeg se pokazalo da nije samo profesor filma, već i pravi duhovni guru (sigurna sam da bi se mnogi studenti u tome mogli složiti samnom). I samo mjesto imalo je ogromnu ulogu u čaroliji ove radionice: bio je prekrasan osjećaj lutati vrućim i svjetlećim gradom, kroz carsku palaču punu skrivenih kutaka, pješačiti šumom brda Marjan na izlasku sunca, izgubiti se negdje na divljim plažama oko njega, skočiti u kristalno čistu i plavu vodu … otići istraživati, “loviti” film, vjerovati mjestu i vidjeti gdje me može odvesti ili što mi može pokazati – kakvu priču ovo mjesto može otkriti kroz slike?  Zajedno s čudesnim satovima koje smo imali svaku večer u Kino klubu dalo mi je veliki poticaj da otvorim oči na nov način, da vjerujem svojoj viziji i intuiciji, da ih pratim bez da se previše analiziram i plašim. Još jedna stvar koja me toliko usrećila u Splitu bili su divni i posebni ljudi i filmaši koje sam tamo upoznala tijekom radionice – mislim da su me svi inspirirali na različite načine. S nekima od njih imala smo priliku malo surađivati ​​i zaista se nadam da ću s njima nastaviti suradnju u budućnosti. Zahvalna sam Kino klubu, Sunčici i drugim ljudima koji su pomogli da se ova radionica održi. Za mene kao i za mladu autoricu, odlazak na ovo nevjerojatno putovanje i susret s drugim filmašima i istomišljenicima iz cijelog svijeta neprocjenjiv je dar koji ću nositi sa sobom u svojim budućim filmskim praksama! ”

Matija Krstičević radionicu je također doživio kao intenzivno iskustvo koje mu je proširilo vidike u promišljanu filma. „Fred je uspio svakom od sudionika pokloniti stopostotnu pažnju i razumijevanje ideja koje bi sudionici podijelili na večernjim predavanjima“, konstatira Matija u nadi da će ponovno imati priliku posjetiti radionicu ovog tipa. Daniel Lončar tijekom radionice zaljubio se u proces snimanja filma i doživio ga kao unikatnu umjetnost. Predavanja i vježbe ostavila su ga nadahnutog, motiviranog i punog novih kreativnih ideja.
Zsuzsanna Simits vjeruje kako joj je Fredovo prisustvo bilo inspiracija za jačanje fokusa, a posebno prilagođavanje svakom polazniku dalo uvid u način kako se sve aktivnosti u životu mogu pretvoriti u umjetnost. „Najviše inspiracije sam dobila u temama koje su za mene do tada djelovale hladne i tehničke: počela me zanimati “duša” arhitektonskih djela, a u uporabi svjetla već vidim ples, koreografiju i mogućnost “dodira”.“
Odem Lebovich i Odelia Atlsovitch, koje su u Split došle čak iz Tel Aviva kako bi prisustvovale programu, zajedno su sažele dojmove: „kroz radionicu smo proučavale i prakticirale umjetnost,  otkrivale nove načine da upoznamo sebe, prirodu i život i izrazimo se kroz kinematografiju i film. Promatrale smo i sudjelovale u životu grada, osjetile kombinaciju prirode i urbanog, gledale okruglo nebo iznad i duge zalaske sunca. Učenje s Fredom i ljubav prema filmu i umjetnosti koja nas je sve okupila učinila nas je lakšima donoseći nam unutarnje svjetlo.“ Za Aleksandru Kulaginu radionica je bila prilika da istraži svoju maštu: pronađe izvor kreativnosti, ali i da uči o različitim aspektima filma – prirodi filma, rasvjeti i kako se ponašati na filmskom setu. „Divan je način na koji mi je Fred pomogao sagledati stvari i pronaći rješenja, način na koji ohrabruje svoje učenike i način na koji dijeli svoje iskustvo. Uz to, moje snimanje je bilo lijepo organizirano: imala sam svu potrebnu opremu, Sunčica mi je puno pomogla s glumcima i imala sam punu podršku. Druga nevjerojatna stvar na ovoj radionici koja se dogodila je tim koji smo svi zajedno postali; topla, prijateljska i podržavajuća atmosfera u kojoj su se održavali sati bila je dragocjena!“ komentira Aleksandra i dodaje“ Voljela bih uskoro doći u Split na sljedeću radionicu!“

 Rad Kino kluba financiraju Zaklada kultura nova, Hrvatski audiovizualni centar i Grad Split. Voditeljica edukativnih programa je Sunčica Fradelić.

Ivana Papić (still iz filma, 2021)
Matija Krstičević (still iz filma, 2021)
Daniel Lončar (still iz filma, 2021)
Ana Opačić (still iz filma, 2021)
Aleksandra Kulagina (still iz filma, 2021)
Zsuzsanna Simits (still iz filma, 2021)
Radionica kinematografije i režije Freda Kelmena, Kino klub Split (2021)
Cinematography workshop with Fred Kelemen, Cine Club Split, 2021
Radionica kinematografije i režije Freda Kelemena, Kino klub Split (2021)