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Projekcija: Piero Bargellini (EXPERIMENTAL CINEMA FROM ITALY Pt. 2)



Tijekom tri večernja termina petkom za listopad smo vam pripremili reprezentativne retrospekcije klasika talijanske eksperimentalne kinematografije Paola Giolia, Pieroa Bargellinia i Francoa Piavolia. Prvobitna nakana nam je bila prezentirati nešto slobodniju trasu talijanske filmske avangarde, te smo se trudili uz pomoć Maura Santinia dobaviti rane radove Albertoa Griffia, pridružti im univerzalno sukladne lirske doku-eksperimente Francoa Piavolia, te ovaj prigodni trotjedni ciklus zaključiti recentim uradcima u odabiru samog Maura Santinia. Kako je došlo do poteškoća prilikom potrage za digitalnim kopijama, program je reorijentiran prema stabilnijoj, konkretnijoj akademskoj materiji u režiji Paola Giolia, potom alternativnom (8mm) isječku iz opusa Francoa Piavolia, te donekle marginalnim sineatskim eksperimentima nepravedno zanemarenog talijanskog “underground” redatelja Pieroa Bargellinia. Paralelni pokušaj(i) uvriježeni je (kompromisni) naziv za prostorno disperzirnu talijansku eksperimentalnu filmsku “scenu”, te primarno referira na stilske similarnosti u sineatsko/sinematskom izričaju “ciljane” generacije autora, što predstavlja i temeljno akademsko (supra)teorijsko “vezivo” u slučaju potrebe za uspostavom naprednih konvencijskih sinteza. Nadamo se kako čemo za iduću sezonu doći u posjed pethodno dogovaranih kopija, te ovim putem najavljujemo i drugi segment “The Parallel Atempt – Experimental Cinema fom Italy” ciklusa. Predprogram recentnih eksperimentalnih filmova Short(s) Petting (powered by web-oriented group AGITATE:21C) ovoga puta donosi čak 17 uglavnom iznimno kratkih avant-uradaka specifičnog vizualnog “punk” senzibiliteta koje prikazujemo s početkom u 19:15 prije centralne projekcije u 20:30.




Tekst koji slijedi (nepoznati web-forum autor “Trep wrote in dxc” + Quotes) kao izvornik na engleskom jeziku u cijelosti je preuzet s “eksperimentalnog akademskog” dld bloga “Cinema of the World”

Piero Bargellini was born in Arezzo in 1940. An agronomist, film lover and amateur filmmaker, he joined the “Cinema Indipendente” Cooperative in 1968 and became one of the most important figures of Italian underground cinema. His films are intensely poetic and reflect artisanal wisdom, based on his scientific knowledge of optics and chemistry. He made films like Morte all’orecchio di Van Gogh, Fractions of Temporary Periods, Trasferimento di modulazione, Gasoline, Stricnina, between 1966 and 1973, in a total identity of art and life. These works tell “the history, in its own way exemplary, of one of the secret protagonists, and of the famous victims, of the revolution of 1968.” Ideally conceived as a dialectic interface between the Italian Competition and Detours, this tribute (curated by Fulvio Baglivi with the help of Adriano Aprà) is also the way we have chosen to remember Marco Melani on the tenth anniversary of his death. Marco, who was a friend and collaborator of Bargellini’s, and who continues to be our inspiration and a “hidden” prompter, organized for the first festival in Torino (1982) a commemoration of his friend, who had recently passed away. His intent was to remove the label of “experimental”: “his cinema was cinema tout court, like that of Rossellini, Hawks, Bertolucci, Schifano, Brakhage and all the other filmmakers he loved.” Possibly the most powerful and abstract italian experimental filmaker of the late sixties, there are predictably close to no information on him around. I previoulsy shared a (subless) documentary about him and the his brethren, Schegge di Utopia Again thanks to JeanMarie/Luce, who gave me the DVDs, I’m now able to share rips of most of his movies. All but one come almost straight out of projector, so the quality is very good given the rarity of the material. “Trasferimento di modulazione” is impressing in its special way. It’s a porn movie left in an early stage of developement. The colors and blots you will see are “not actually there”, they are the effects of the reaction of the projector’s light with the salts on the film. Obviously, a film like this changes and dies away a little at every show. So what you’re seeing is a three-dimensional slice (widht-height-time of the movie) of a four-dimensional movie (width-height-time of the movie-time of the consuption).




Morte all’orecchio di Van Gogh (1968) 61:32

Nelda (1968) 04:09

Stricnina (1973) 06:46

Trasferimento di Modulazione (1969) 07:48

Vi prego di accettare questo semplice bouquet di parentesi appena sbocciate (1966) 15:30









Nadya Yukhnovets – Ya pokoril serdtse (2019; RU) 10:10

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Finn Harvor – Meat (Wargasm 8) (2017; South Korea) 01:58

Finn Harvor – The Violence of Sadness II (2017; South Korea) 04:27

Finn Harvor – The Wargasm #2 (nHi – lism) (2017; South Korea) 03:17

Francesca Giuliani & Lino Mocerino – Shrine v2.4.5 (2017; IT) 03:00

Larry Wang – Fake Signs (2017; USA) 02:32

Larry Wang – Magritte’s Hat, a Parable (2018; USA) 02:31

Larry Wang – True Grit (2019; USA) 02:19

Gwendolyn Audrey Foster – Dada Ship (2018; USA) 04:22

Gwendolyn Audrey Foster – Fountains for The Baroness (2018; USA) 02:48

Gwendolyn Audrey Foster – Séance for Hilma (2018; USA) 02:00

Matt Helme – Big Trees (2019; USA) 03:58

Matt Helme – A Black and White Film (2019; USA) 03:36

Matt Helme – Crash (2019; USA) 03:07

Walter Ungerer – Being (2018; USA) 06:28

Joas Sebastian Nebe – Don`t Forget the Monsters (2019; DE) 01:22




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Darko Duilo